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"Ryan Dooley plays Thomas Jefferson with easy aplomb and a lovey tenor..."
-Marin Heinritz,



"You also want a Bert than can dance, sing and radiate his love and curiosity for life... Ryan Dooley is convincing..., likeable and charming as he whimsically interacts with Mary and the children and delivers some fancy footwork of his own."

-Ken Payne, BuzzChicago


"Mary’s old buddy, Bert (richly played by Ryan Dooley, who never attempts to imitate Dick Van Dyke’s movie Bert), is quite the singer and dancer making quick costume changes and winning our hearts as well as those of the kids in the story."

-Alan Bresloff, Around the Town Chicago


"Ryan Dooley is comedically, dramatically and vocally a very satisfying Bert. He and Anderson had rapport and chemistry enough to make the audience wish the show gave us a more extensive look into the pair's history."

-Christine Malcolm, Edge Media Network


"Ryan Dooley charms as the affable factotum Bert, Mary’s best friend and fellow adventurer, guiding the audience through the action as a screever, a street cleaner and of course a chimney sweep."

-Erin Fleming, Chicagoland Musical Theatre


"Dooley is a delightful, energetic Bert, serving as a game narrator and Mary’s foil..."

-Scotty Zacher, Chicago Theater Beat


"Other excellent performances include Ryan Dooley as a warm, brotherly Bert, who pops in and out of the musical, both as Mary Poppins’ chimney sweep friend and as the play’s narrator..."

             -Colin Douglas, Chicago Theatre Review


"Ryan Dooley is... charming, limber and funny, be he magically leaping to keep a step in time or spending a jolly holiday with Mary."

             -Misha Davenport, Chicago


"Audiences should keep their eyes on Ryan Armstrong and Ryan Dooley for some comic relief throughout."

"Whitney Rappana, Ryan Dooley and Ryan Armstrong comprise the ensemble and each have moments that matter."
            -Phil Potempa,



"Ryan Dooley is production-tenor perfect as Robert"

"[played by] a sunny Ryan Dooley..."
           -Scott C. Morgan, The Daily Herald

"deftly handled by Ryan Dooley..."
           -Around the Town Chicago 


"Ryan Dooley... turns in a hysterical Sir Robin (among other roles)"


"Dooley and Schramm were well-suited to the role of naive adolescents, and both showed depth, especially as the tension built in the decidedly darker second act."
                   -Ann Arbor News

"Dooley and Schramm both showcased lovely voices..."



"... The show’s real scene-stealer is Ryan Dooley’s garters and ascots portrayal of Sir Evelyn Oakleigh and his zeppelin-sized ego"
              -Glenn Kaufmann, The Herald Times

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